A Quick Competitive Analysis of ReactJS and AngularJS

January 30, 2018

A Quick Competitive Analysis of ReactJS and AngularJSTweet This

This era is all about being updated and to always inject the best-in-class features to your business, from the recent technologies, is the key to success.

ReactJS and AngularJS are two big names as the front-end technologies to give out the best to your business in terms of the app development environment.

Angular is a structural web application framework while React is an open-source JavaScript library.

AngularJS can be termed advantageous as being shareable and with less code writing, whereas ReactJS can handle all the UI updates automatically and use JavaScript to create components with easy implementation of JSX.

When there is a question about selecting the best between two, there are so many considerations that can be followed.


ReactJS Vs AngularJS 

Lightweight DOM


React beautifully combines a lightweight implementation of the events’ system and DOM. It allows one to manipulate DOM version stored in the memory without using browser.

This certainly results in fast performance and preferred more as compared to Angular framework.

On the other side, Angular is bounded to the DOM and for any data change, a process is triggered to render an entire page.

Handling huge chunk of complex data certainly impacts the performance.

But, when working with the virtual DOM in React, complete data rendering is not required because entire work is done in JavaScript and only the changes are implemented via the Diff algorithm.

Thus, it reduces heavy DOM and results in a prolific performance.

Data Injection

Angular uses scopes to inject the data into directives, which is only an object that contains data for several controls, such as directives and controllers.

A directive can only contain limited types of scope, and primarily, it does not have any directive scope of its own, as it uses the parent’s scope of controller.

On the other hand, ReactJS injects the data through the nested view into the rendered views, at the time of construct.

Within the class, the data that has been passed can be accessed with the prons property.  

Components Support And Little Dependencies

The default JavaScript package manager (npm) has convinced the experts to implement the Node.js platform with its amazingly useful features.

Unlike, AngularJS that doesn’t support Node.js, the Node.js platform can be used in the front-end while working with React.

This is because everything is treated as components in ReactJS development services. Therefore, you can easily import component by simply writing few lines of code.

Event Handling 

Event handlers are typically assigned in Angular via directives to several portions of your view.

Directives, in general, are the major ingredients of Angular and accomplish almost every major task.

While, in React the event handlers set various custom attributes on the HTML elements.

Key Advantages of React.js:  

Efficiency: DOM operations follow a time-consuming process that reduces the efficiency of several existing JavaScript frameworks.

React overcomes this obstacle in a unique way by creating a virtual DOM. So, all the changes that need to be done are far improved than actually performing the changes.

Moreover, such update cause a tremendous increase in the efficiency of DOM handling.

SEO: Search engine optimization is a major challenge for most of JavaScript frameworks. But, React sets up yet another milestone in this context as being SEO-friendly.

Simple to Learn: Learning and adopting the new React system is like a cakewalk because of its simple and straight forward APIs that eliminate the need to learn complex concepts to implement a solution.


Prominent Features of Angularjs:  

Two-way Data Binding: It is a smooth system by which the changes made in the model gets automatically updated in the UI and vice versa.

MVC (MODEL VIEW CONTROLLER): AngularJS incorporates the basic principles behind the original MVC software design pattern into how it builds client-side web applications where

Model – It represents an object carrying data.

View – It shows the visualization of the data that model includes.

Controller – It acts on both model and view and controls the data flow into model object and updates the view whenever data changes. It keeps view and model separate.

Dependency Injection: It is a feature that lets you request and obtain the dependencies rather than the tedious process of looking for them.

Directives: They are used to make custom widgets by creating custom HTML tags which in turn act as widgets.

Strengths and Weaknesses of AngularJS 


  • High performance
  • Native GUI
  • Server-side rendering
  • Easy testing
  • Framework approach followed for every app


  • Poor documentation
  • Complex resources available that takes time to understand

Strengths and Weaknesses of ReactJS


  • Native GUI
  • Performance
  • Server-side rendering
  • Simplicity
  • Library approach


  • JSX makes it tough to use this framework
  • Flux architecture employs much time

Sum Up  

Both ReactJS and AngularJS are the popular names in this web world to create robust applications.

While AngularJS is an excellent alternative to improve the quality of an app, React is useful for handling dynamic content and bulk of heavy data operations and an improved addition to the stack.

So, it is a wise decision to apply any of the technique within your application, but through the proficient experts only, to reduce complexity within your application.


A Quick Competitive Analysis of ReactJS and AngularJSTweet This