Who Offers the Best Nginx Hosting?

List of Best Nginx Hosting Providers

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BlueHost is a most sought out web host, hosting since 1996. Hosted over 2 million websites worldwide. BlueHost helps businesses and individuals get high-powered service at a fraction of the cost.

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Install Nginx on VPS or Dedicated Hosting
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Just $14.99 / Month

Liquidweb was established in 1997 and is a premier Web Hosting provider specializing in Windows & Linux Dedicated Servers, VPS, and Shared Web Hosting.

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Storm on Demand, a LiquidWeb initiative, offers high performance cloud servers on demand. And Nginx can be installed on any storm servers.

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Just $55 / Month


Why consider Nginx Hosting?

What Is NgInx?

Nginx, pronounced as Engine X, is a high performance reverse proxy HTTP web server. It is the second most used web server in the world

Due to it's asynchronous event-driven architecture along with high concurrency, NgInx makes a great choice for high traffic as well as low traffic websites.

And it's screaming fast! NgInx, has thus become developer's favourite who use nginx as a reverse proxy server for HTTP,HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP. And the best part, it is open source.

Nginx Vs Apache:

Apache server spawns a new process for every instance of traffic whereas Nginx is an event-based web server and handles traffic with one process. In addition, Nginx caches static content thus providing a much faster load time for your visitors.

Nginx Advantages
  • Can serve dynamic website content
  • Can control server load
  • Can handle extremely high amounts of traffic
  • GZip compression
  • Caches HTTP requests
  • Rewrites URIs using regex
  • Can act as a web server
  • Provides fault tolerance
  • Supports virtual servers, TLS/SSL, FastCGI

Nginx DisAdvantages
  • NgInxz has no support for .htaccess
  • Need a VPS or dedicated hosting account for installation of NgInx
  • Features are limited when compared to Apache

Ideal Combination: Apache and Nginx

But here's the Good news. Even though NgInx has less features when compared to Apache, you can have the best of both worlds. You can use Apache as web server to serve up web pages, but use Nginx as a reverse proxy server. This way you get benefits of Apache as well as NgInx.


Now that you have seen benefits of NgNix, if you are looking for a faster website, then opt for NgInx. As mentioned above, you have to install IgNix on top of a VPS or dedicated hosting account. You need to choose a provider who allows installation of Nginx on the server.

Recommendations for NgNix Hosting

Storm on Demand, a LiquidWeb initiative, offers high performance cloud servers on demand. And Nginx can be installed on any storm servers. LiquidWeb is well known for it's best support and reliable service. So you can opt for it

NgInx Installation on Liquid servers: You can install yourself. But if you want support staff to install for you, then you need to have have Ngnix as reverse proxy and Apache as web server. You also need to ensure that you order a fully managed storm server with cPanel(starts at $55 per month). Support staff will install for you and fully Support this combination as well.

Since you are using cpanel, it would be easy to do. cPanel will configure nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache automatically and makes it much easier to administer, plus, since cPanel supports it, Liquidweb Support team will support as well.

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