Python Web Development: Benefits, Features, and Packages to Use

January 03, 2020

Python Web Development: Benefits, Features, and Packages to UseTweet This

The development paradigm is continuously updating!

With the introduction of every new feature and programming language support, developers also focus on what’s the best in the entire industry to give a boost to their career.

As the requirement for a faster and efficient development arises, Python emerges as the best choice for developers with its numerous benefits and excellent support.

Python: An All-in-One Language

The concept of Python was first introduced in 1991 by Guido van Rossum and was predicted to be the successor of the ABC language. From the time, Python has been continuously improving to offer excellent support, and now it provides excellent support for web development, machine learning, software development, and more.

It makes programming easier and increases the readability by eliminating the need for writing “;” (semicolon) after the end of each coding statement. Moreover, Python scores support from experienced developers who keep on adding up resources to examine and remove bugs and induce performance optimization.

Features Offered by Python

Python offers excellent support for web development, software development, GUI, and more with the best-in-class features.

  1. Python is Cross-Platform: Python can run on different platforms, including Linux, Windows, macOS, to provide excellent support for development across the world.
  1. Python is Interpreted: Python gets interpreted line by line for executing the code, which makes it easier to run a program and debug it.
  1. Python is Extensible: Python is extensible, i.e., it can be used with any other programming languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, and more. Moreover, it contains separate packages for including these languages in Python code that gets compiled, and execution runs smoothly.
  1. Python Supports GUI: Python can be used to develop Graphical User Interface.

Python for Web Development: Why?

Web development has always been in the news because of the continuous technology updates. The internet has made it essential for every business to have their online identity, and it influences the rise in websites and increased demand for web development technologies.

The web development technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more are inclined towards making the user experience superior. Still, the use of them is limited to a certain extent because of their limited support. But Python is here to answer any requirements with its expert support.

Because of its increased code readability and excellent development with numerous packages and more, Python becomes an ideal choice for businesses to get their websites developed from experts.

Benefits Offered by Python for Web Developers

The benefits of Python conclude it to be an excellent choice for faster, easier, and yet performance-optimized language. Delivering the best support for optimizing a website’s performance, the support lent through this language is incredible.

  1. Code Readability: Python eliminates the need for using semicolon at the end of every code statement. And it means a lot. Instead, it gives importance to white places used in the sentence, which increases the readability of the code. The code written in Python is very much easier to read as it looks like simple English and is very easy to learn even for people not belonging to a technical background.
  1. Code Asynchronously:  Asynchronous coding is an example of parallel programming, where each unit of the code runs separately than others and creates separate threads than the main thread. This reduces the burden of running the entire code simultaneously in an orderly fashion and allows increased productivity on any device the code runs.

Python implements asynchronous coding to provide excellent support for running a web app securely and provide faster loading experience. It also helps developers to achieve the best outputs by finding out and solving the problems occurring in any unit of the code without affecting other parts.

  1. Supports a Multitude of Programming Approach:  The primary advantage of using Python for programming is its support for various programming approaches under a single roof. It supports functional, object-oriented, parallel programming, procedural, and more. This helps the developers efficiently choose the approach that suits their needs and provide excellent outputs.
  1. Excellent Support from Library: Allowing developers to put together every functionality they want to add, Python has a rich and standard library that supports every required feature to optimize the performance. The need to write basic code gets eliminated because of the pre-written code already present in the library.

Web Development With Python: Packages to Use

Python offers excellent web development support through the packages offered for developing excellent web experience. The web app development using Python is made easy with the following frameworks supporting the use of essential packages:

  • Django
  • Pyramid
  • Request
  • BeautifulSoup
  • Twisted Python and more.


Django is an excellent and renowned framework for crafting web applications easily using Python. It provides support for faster development through the built-in support that eliminates the need for writing basic code. It also keeps all required security measures in mind and ensures the developed web app is scalable enough to perform excellently.

Depending upon the version of Django you are using, it includes support for compatible versions of Python. But the recommended version to use with Django is Python version 3. Plus, Python already includes the SQLite database, which means if not required, you can skip the database installation in the beginning.

Here is the code to import Django in your Python shell:

>>> import django

>>> print(django.get_version())




The Pyramid is another excellent framework to use when developing a web application. The importance of using this framework is that it supports including minor functionalities easier than ever without needing complex code. The framework can help to create a simple request/response web app and also can work on enterprise-grade projects.

When working with Pyramid, every view of the web app is placed in a single folder to help the developers generate faster loading experience. For example, if an app like uber is getting illustrated in the form of the web app, it becomes essential to add every view in a single folder that can provide a user faster access to every function.

Here is a sample example of printing a simple sentence in Browser using Pyramid:

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

from pyramid.config import Configurator

from pyramid.response import Response

def hello_world(request):

    return Response(‘Implemented Using Pyramid!’)


if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

    with Configurator() as config:

        config.add_route(‘usecase’, ‘/’)

        config.add_view(implement_use, route_name=’usecase’)

        app = config.make_wsgi_app()

    server = make_server(‘’, 6543, app)





Requests is a Python library supporting the HTTP requests. It allows developers to easily send HTTP/ 1.1 requests from the developed web app. It includes a variety of features, e.g., HTTP proxy support, connection pooling, basic authentication, multiple file uploads, streaming downloads, and more. The package is licensed by Apache2 and is a great resource to use in any industrial implementation without causing any trouble.

Here is a small example of code using Request:

>>> r = requests.get(‘’, auth=(‘user’, ‘pass’))

>>> r.status_code


>>> r.headers[‘content-type’]

‘application/json; charset=utf8’

>>> r.encoding


>>> r.text


>>> r.json()

{u’private_gists’: 419, u’total_private_repos’: 77, …}



It is an HTML parser that serves the primary purpose of parsing any text file on a web page format. BeautifulSoap provides support for searching, modifying, and navigating a parse tree using Python. One more added advantage of this package is that it includes support for encoding the data once it is entered, and it gets sent in UTF-8 format. And for the received file, the same gets repeated.

This relieves developers from the worries of writing the code for encryption and saves their time. Still in doubt? Check out these top projects where BeautifulSoap gets extensively used.

  1. Reddit (for finding relevant images)
  2. Python Developers (to find and report bugs) and many more.

Twisted Python

This package generally gets used for parallel programming. Developers can implement similar programming concepts during web development using this package. It is open-source and licensed under MIT license. Twisted is an event-driven network engine that is built using Python.

It includes support for various protocols, SMTP, POP3, TCP, IMAP, and more. It helps craft the web app in as few lines as possible to induce performance optimization. Also, the Twisted.web is a web server that is scalable enough to run a website over it and provides excellent support for faster loading experience and improves productivity. Also, its integration with a wide variety of graphical toolkits allows it to run a different application using the same code-base again and again.

The development of web applications and websites using Python is made simpler with the help of these packages and frameworks. However, the standard library of Python also contains packages that help with building an excellent website to run your business errands effortlessly online.


There are many options available for developing a website or a web application. All of it ultimately depends upon the expertise of the developer you have assigned your work to. With the use of Python, it becomes a lot easier for them to develop an excellent website or web app.

The increasing popularity of Python for web development indicates significant changes in web development approaches. With the right use of expertise earned in Python programming, an excellent website or web app can be built using any of these packages for faster and efficient development experience.

Author Bio

Deep is an aspiring entrepreneur and blogger having led 75+ startups on the right path with their information-admiring content. He crafts content on topics including on-demand services like app like uber, finances, technology trends and many more.

Python Web Development: Benefits, Features, and Packages to UseTweet This