How to improve customer satisfaction?

May 06, 2013

Surefire tips to improve customer satisfaction

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Making a customer feel important is essential to the success of your business. Surefire tips to improve customer satisfaction discussed below

The more you show you care, the more they are likely to buy products from you or continue to use the service. Providing an excellent customer service should be your businesses’ major priority.

Here are some tips on how you can provide excellent customer service.

1. Respond as quickly as you can

When a client requests for something that is time-sensitive, speed is very important. Try to reply to your clients as soon as you can. If you can’t reply as soon as possible, customers will get annoyed, may have a negative feedback about you, or worse, leave your business permanently.

If you can’t work on the task right away, let them know that you go the request and tell them when it will be completed. If you can’t perform the task, let them know as soon as possible so they aren’t left waiting for nothing.

2. Fix your mistakes
If you’ve done something but it didn’t work, make amends for it. You can easily lose a client if you do not admit your fault and you didn’t even fix it. Strive for the best quality of output as it shows that you have a high level standards in your business.

3. Listen to your customers
It is important to listen to your customers when they are communicating with you. Understand what they are saying and ask for clarifications if you are not sure of what they are saying. Customers are oftentimes unfamiliar with the jargons in your business, so what you think they mean may not be what they meant. Listen to their needs and offer suggestions about how you can get that fulfilled.

4. Explain the problem as simple as you can
Don’t confuse your clients with jargons. Try to explain the problem as simple as possible without making your customer feel stupid. Make sure your explanation is acceptable to anyone, even those that are not familiar in your business. You can use analogies so you can make sense to your customers.

5. Keep customers updated
One of the worse customer service I’ve had is when I felt lost and I don’t know if my problem can be fixed or not. Even if you don’t have any major reports to show to your customers, let them know that you are working on it and things are progressing. It shows that you are keeping them in the loop and you have everything under control.

6. Know everything
As a business owner, customers expect that you are an expert. You need to keep yourself updated with your business, so you are ready to answer the questions your clients need to know. showing lack of knowledge in your field will ruin your business’ reputation.

7. Keep promises
If you say something, do it. It is a part of being a professional that most businesses fail to comply. If you need more time, it’s not bad let them know about it but don’t ask for it if you have already missed the deadline.

8. Go the extra mile
If you customer asks you something that won’t cost either your time or money, go the extra mile and do it for them. Your clients will be happier and they’ll trust you more.

9. Be patient
Sometimes, you customer might be overstepping your boundaries, oftentimes you’ll feel that they don’t understand the nature of your business. Don’t lose patience. If you encounter this situation, let them know in a cordial and professional manner. Maintain professionalism at all times.

10. Put yourself in their shoes
If you are a customer, how do you want to be treated? Evaluate the way you can communicate with others. Getting exemplary customer service is all about better communication skills.

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